Kyushu Okinawa G8 Summit in Japan
Japan has already organized 3 times summit meetings of G7/G8 but it took place always in Tokyo.
This year (year 2000), Japanese government has decided to organize it in a province and
the candidature of Kyushu-Okinawa region has been chosen by the late prime minister, Keizo Obuchi,
because of an ordeal that Okinawaians have suffered since the World War II,
especially the nuisance provoked by an excessive concentration of American military bases.
Geographic distribution of summit meetings is as the followings: Fukuoka, located in the north of Kyushu
island organizes the meeting of Finance Ministers on 8 July. Miyazaki, located in the south of
Kyushu island organizes the meeting of Foreign Ministers between 12 and 13 July. Finally,
the summit itself, i.e. the meeting of nations' leaders will be held in Okinawa island located on the
south of Kyushu between 21 and 23 July.
Please click on yellow rectangles of the map below to have a detailed information
of each summit venue or tourist resort.
Japan is now
Click on the calendar's picture to know the exact date where each meeting takes place.
Click on the train's picture to know where Kyushu and Okinawa are located and how to reach there.
In order to get more information on summit meeting, click on telegraph poles.
If you wish to learn the history on Okinawa, click on the symbol of Okinawa prefecture.
The information on Evian G8 summit 2003 is available on the link above (Japanese).
Last update: August 16, 2008
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