Hikyaku (World-Wide Japanese Free E-Mail)Japanese display French display
Warning!! we are moving this site to a more powerful machine this week,
so some problem of hikyaku mailer will be expected.
If you are using Outlook Express, please update your account name to "toto@hikyaku.com", if your old accout name is "toto"
(mail address and password remaining the same).
In order to send emails, you have to check "My server requires authentication" from account properties panel of Outlook Express.
We have not migrated sleeping accounts to the new server. If you want to reactivate yours or any other problems originated from
this migration, please contact us at info@hikyaku.com
You don't need Japanese computers nor special add-ons such as KanjiKit, Microsoft Global IME, Japanese Language Kit etc. to process Japanese emails and this makes our service unique in the world. Emailaddresses.com is the world's most authoritative site on free email services' directory. Please click here to see the opinion of an expert on our service. If you wish to use a free email service, Hikyaku, please go to Request a free email account to create your free e-mail account. Currently the service is free, so take this opportunity now. You are visitor number since the 13th of May 1999. Note: Normally, you should use the webmail at the top left corner but if your computer cannot display Japanese characters, please choose your corresponding browser below to run the applet. In that case, it may take a few minutes to visualize the applet if you are using a telephone line.
Other Free StuffsIf you are interested in other free Internet related stuffs such as free webhostings or other free email accounts, please click on one of the following icons.www.hikyaku.com/jpmail/jpmail.html Last update: October 10, 2007 Text Copyright, Free Light Software |
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