Links to lists of internet cafes in the world
We have listed here the most important and regularly updated links of internet cafes (cyber cafes).
If you need more lists, please connect to
the web directories on internet cafes in Yahoo.
Though Hikyaku mailer could run on most of computers, some configurations
such as MS Explorer 3 or Netscape 4 need
Java Plugin-in to be compatible. So please to be sure that
the machine you are going to use should be directly compatible with Hikyaku mailer, before sitting in
the internet cafe that you have just found.
The most complete list of more than 2000 cyber cafes in the world classified by areas. A little slow to display. English.
North America
By clicking on a state in the map of USA, you can get a list of cafes in this state. English.
List of more than 1000 cyber cafes in Europe classified by countries. English.
List of Japanese cyber cafes classified by prefectures. Japanese.
Last update: April 7, 99